District Attorney
Exhibition of Speed
District attorneys pursuing Pennsylvania DUI cases sometimes offer plea bargains that allow you to plead guilty to a less-serious charge and/or receive reduced punishment. A skilled Pennsylvania DUI lawyer from Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. will thoroughly evaluate your driving under the influence case to determine whether a plea bargain may offer the most favorable resolution in your particular case.
An exhibition of speed plea bargain may be an excellent outcome to your Pennsylvania DUI case. The district attorney typically only offers an exhibition of speed plea bargain in a Pennsylvania DUI case when the case against you isn’t particularly strong.
The district attorney in your Pennsylvania DUI case is more likely to allow you to plead guilty to exhibition of speed if your blood alcohol content (BAC) was very near the legal limit of 0.08 percent. An exhibition of speed conviction is typically punishable with only a fine.
Pleading guilty to exhibition of speed is far better than a Pennsylvania DUI conviction because the repercussions aren’t nearly as harsh. Also, unlike a driving under the influence conviction, an exhibition of speed plea cannot be used to enhance the penalties of any future Pennsylvania DUI charge.
Other than an outright dismissal of the charges against you, which is possible in some cases, an exhibition of speed plea bargain is likely one of the best possible outcomes in a Pennsylvania DUI case. A Pennsylvania DUI attorney from Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. will determine whether it’s possible to negotiate a plea bargain that includes a reduced charge such as exhibition of speed in your driving under the influence case. Please call us for a free consultation.