Philadelphia DUI Lawyers

Philadelphia DUI Attorney – Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer – Philadelphia DUI Lawyer

Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. are four DUI lawyers with over 40 years experience defending complex DUI cases. Our practice is almost exclusively limited to DUI defense.

Aggressive Philadelphia DUI Defense

We aggressively, but appropriately, defend you. We are confident that we will obtain the best result possible for you based on your circumstances. While no one can guarantee success, we guarantee that we will not stop fighting for you until you direct us to. That’s extremely important. When hiring a lawyer, make certain that the Pennsylvania DUI attorney and PA DUI law firm will take your case to trial, if necessary. That’s our guarantee — if your situation would most benefit from entry to ARD, if you are eligible, or a negotiated plea agreement, or if your matter is best fought through to trial — we will advise you of all your options, and will follow through based on how you direct us to proceed.

Qualified Philadelphia DUI Defense Lawyers – We are all Members of the National College for DUI Defense

Our training and experience in the roadside field tests, blood testing, breath testing, and drug DUI demonstrates our commitment to DUI defense and to seeking the best result possible in your case. All of our Philadelphia DUI lawyers are members of the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD), attending DUI seminars frequently across the country.

Our Field Sobriety Testing Qualifications

We are all qualified in the field sobriety testing by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST’s). Two of our lawyers are Qualified Instructors in the testing, and three are pending qualification. Knowing the tests as well as or better than the police officers helps us evaluate the strengths and possible weaknesses of your Philadelphia DUI case. These exercises are, individually, at best 68% reliable in helping the officer predict whether someone has a blood alcohol or breath alcohol level of 0.08% or greater. That’s a D+ in most schools!

Our Blood Testing Qualifications

We have taken advanced training in blood testing, having attended multiple seminars with the top forensic scientists in the world as lecturers. We will analyze all of the evidence in blood cases, from the drawing of the blood by the phlebotomist, whether the tubes contain the proper chemicals for preservation of the blood, how the sample was stored, how it was tested, who tested it, as well as many other circumstances that could affect the result in a blood testing case. There is an accepted error rate in all blood testing cases. It’s our job to determine whether the error is even greater, and how it can affect your Pennsylvania DUI case.

Our Breath Testing Qualifications

Our lawyers have attended numerous national and local seminars on breath testing issues, with the goal of learning as much as we can on a continuous basis to determine what errors may have occurred in your case. We own one of the breath testing machines used in the Philadelphia area. We want to know about your medical background — whether you have any lung issues, blood or hematocrit issues, if you work with chemicals, if you are a smoker, whether you have acid reflux or other gastro-esophageal reflux disease. We will ask you other questions about your medical history, so that we can assess what, if anything else, could have caused the alleged reading on the breath testing machine.

Don’t Assume You Will Be Convicted of a Philadelphia DUI Charge

There are multiple defenses to a Philadelphia DUI charge. Don’t assume that being charged with a Pennsylvania DUI means that you will be found guilty of the PA DUI charge. Don’t assume that you will automatically lose your license or even go to jail. Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. will fight for you.

Contact us now for a Free Pennsylvania DUI Case Evaluation and to speak directly with a PA DUI defense attorney:

Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C., Pennsylvania DUI lawyers, defends persons charged with Philadelphia DUI in all Philadelphia Districts, Boroughs, and Townships including but not limited to: Aramingo, Belmont, Blockley, Bridesburg, Bristol, Byberry, Delaware Township, Frankford, Germantown, Kensington, Kingsessing, Lower Dublin, Manayunk, Moreland, Moyamensing, Northern Liberties, Oxford, Passyunk, Penn District, Penn Township, Philadelphia City, Roxborough, Richmond, Southwark, Spring Garden District, West Philadelphia Borough, Whitehall, Pennsylvania.

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