District Attorney
Montgomery County DUI Arrests
If you’ve been arrested on a Montgomery County DUI charge, you know that you face extremely serious punishment – you face significant fines, you can be placed on probation, and even be sentenced to jail if you’re convicted. Because the consequences of a Montgomery County DUI conviction are so severe, you need a qualified defense lawyer safeguarding your rights. The Pennsylvania DUI attorneys at Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. can review your driving under the influence case and help you find the best strategy to address the charges.
Many accused Montgomery County DUI drivers have never before been involved in the criminal justice system and have no idea what to do next. Locating an accused DUI driver in the system, finding a bail bondsman, and selecting an experienced defense attorney can be difficult in Montgomery County. Your Pennsylvania DUI lawyer at Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. is here to help you address every aspect of your driving under the influence case.
The evidence against you in your Montgomery County DUI case likely includes a field sobriety test and a chemical test of your blood or breath, but that evidence may be open to challenge. Your attorney will thoroughly review all of the district attorney’s case against you to determine whether certain evidence may be suppressed.
Your Montgomery County DUI attorney can advise you whether it’s in your best interests to fight your drunk driving case in court. Fighting your case may offer your best opportunity to avoid the harsh repercussions of a Montgomery County DUI conviction. Your Pennsylvania DUI attorney will also likely explore whether a favorable plea bargain can be made on your behalf, or whether you are eligible for a pre-trial diversionary program that will avoid a guilty verdict.
Many accused drunk drivers are understandably tempted to plead guilty to the charges they face, but there may be strong reasons to fight your Montgomery County DUI charge. The Pennsylvania DUI attorneys at Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. are ready to review your case and advise you of your options. Please contact us today for a free consultation.