District Attorney
Northampton County DUI Arrests
A Northampton County DUI charge carries extremely harsh consequences that include fines, loss of driving privileges and even jail time, so you need a qualified DUI defense attorney advocating for your rights. The Pennsylvania DUI attorneys at Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. have the experience needed to handle your drunk driving case skillfully and compassionately.
If you’re like many drivers arrested for Northampton County DUI and their loved ones, you may be unclear about what to do next. Finding an accused drunk driver in custody, locating a reputable bail bondsman, and hiring the right defense lawyer can present a challenge in Northampton County. The Pennsylvania DUI attorneys at Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. can guide you through the often confusing and complex criminal justice system.
The police who investigated your Northampton County DUI case probably asked you to complete a field sobriety test and required you to submit to a chemical test of your blood or breath. You may fear that this evidence will equal an automatic drunk driving conviction, but the evidence against you in your Northampton County DUI case may be open to challenge.
There may be compelling reasons to fight your drunk driving case in court. The district attorney’s case against you may have flaws that could help you avoid the punishment of a drunk driving conviction. Your Pennsylvania DUI lawyer will also consider the possibility of a plea bargain that will favorably resolve your case. You may be eligible for a pre-trial diversionary program that will completely avoid a guilty verdict.
Although you may be understandably reluctant to fight your drunk driving charge in court, there may be compelling reasons to fight your Northampton County DUI charge. Your Pennsylvania DUI attorney at Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. is prepared to analyze your case and help you determine the best plan of action. Please contact us today for a free consultation.