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Best DWI Attorney / Top Rated 2016 - Badge

Chester County DUI Arrests

If you’re facing a Chester County DUI charge, you need an aggressive defense lawyer with the legal and scientific knowledge to effectively fight your drunk driving case. The Pennsylvania DUI attorneys at Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. are well-known for their tireless and thorough advocacy on behalf of accused drunk drivers.

Many accused Chester County DUI drivers and their loved ones aren’t sure what to do after a drunk driving arrest. Locating an accused drunk driver in the system, selecting a bail bond firm, and finding a qualified defense attorney can be challenging in Chester County. Your Pennsylvania DUI lawyer at Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. is prepared to assist you with every aspect of your Pennsylvania drunk driving case.

The police officer investigating your Chester County DUI case likely caused you to take a field sobriety test and compelled you to submit to a chemical test of your blood or breath. If you’re like many accused Chester County DUI drivers, you may be tempted to plead guilty without even exploring your options just so you can close the book on this unpleasant chapter of your life.

The impulse to plead guilty to your Chester County DUI charge is completely understandable – after all, the prospect of facing a jury or a judge might make anyone nervous. However, fighting your Pennsylvania drunk driving charge may allow you to avoid the repercussions of a Chester County DUI conviction. Another option may be to accept a favorable plea bargain that allows you to plead guilty to reduced charges and/or punishment. You may also be able to obtain a pre-trial diversionary program that avoids a guilty plea completely.

Although you may feel that there’s no point in fighting, there may be very good reasons to fight your Chester County DUI charge. Your Pennsylvania DUI lawyer at Zachary B. Cooper, Attorney at Law, P.C. is ready to review your case and help you find the best possible resolution to your Pennsylvania drunk driving case. Please contact us today for a free consultation.

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